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Chevrolet Superchips 2825 Flashpaq Auto Computer tuner programmer Reprogammmer Petrol Trucks

Product type: Ultima Harley Davidson Mega sale

Chevrolet tuner programmer Superchips 2825 Flashpaq Auto Computer Reprogammmer Petrol Trucks 199 GM V8, LS1, LS2, LS6 Superchip Flashpaq performance programmer. This is the next generation in advanced drivetrain tunning. The FLASHPAQ combines Superchips performance programming experience with cutting edge tunning and data acquisition technology. Fits: 1999-2006 Corvette LS1, LS2 and LS6.....1999-2002 Camaro/Transam...LS-1 2004 Pontiac GTO LS-1 and 2005-2006 Pontiac GTO LS-2 Their engineers have been decoding and researching the ins and outs, or should we say the t\'s and o\'s of late model vehicles to design an easy-to-use tunner that offers what you expect from a tunner. The Superchip FLASPAQ delivers the same dynomproven performance calibrations you would expect, but much more. The new FLASHPAQ Tunner offers: Monitor engine and transmission parameters, More tunning options for improved contro; over your modifications, Choose from multiple performance enhancing calibrations, Adjustable vehicle speed limiter and engine rev limiter, Speedometer calibration for different tire heights, Internet updatable through a supplied USB cable, New model-year support downloadable via flashpaq.com, New model-year compatibility incorporated for 2007, Ability to download custom tunes for your specific needs and diagnostic trouble code definitions and information.
Regular price


Chevrolet tuner programmer Superchips 2825 Flashpaq Auto Computer Reprogammmer Petrol Trucks 199 GM V8, LS1, LS2, LS6 Superchip Flashpaq performance programmer. This is the next generation in advanced drivetrain tunning. The FLASHPAQ combines Superchips performance programming experience with cutting edge tunning and data acquisition technology. Fits: 1999-2006 Corvette LS1, LS2 and LS6.....1999-2002 Camaro/Transam...LS-1 2004 Pontiac GTO LS-1 and 2005-2006 Pontiac GTO LS-2 Their engineers have been decoding and researching the ins and outs, or should we say the t\'s and o\'s of late model vehicles to design an easy-to-use tunner that offers what you expect from a tunner. The Superchip FLASPAQ delivers the same dynomproven performance calibrations you would expect, but much more. The new FLASHPAQ Tunner offers: Monitor engine and transmission parameters, More tunning options for improved contro; over your modifications, Choose from multiple performance enhancing calibrations, Adjustable vehicle speed limiter and engine rev limiter, Speedometer calibration for different tire heights, Internet updatable through a supplied USB cable, New model-year support downloadable via flashpaq.com, New model-year compatibility incorporated for 2007, Ability to download custom tunes for your specific needs and diagnostic trouble code definitions and information.

Product ID 9734930366764
Vendor Ultima

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